The cobblestone is visually aesthetic thanks to the variety of colors and shapes, it is an easy-to-install material and its rustic appearance is reminiscent of colonial architecture.
Versatility in use ranges from platforms for pedestrian traffic to lanes for heavy vehicular traffic.
Main advantages:
Easy and almost instant installation.
Does not require special tools.
Cost reduction vs. other types of pavements.
Easy maintenance
To adequate a good base, according to the design recommended by the soil study.
Take into account slopes, good water and drainage management to avoid problems of subsidence in the ground and extend the life of the paved design.
It is recommended to have a clear design prior to installation
After the sitting sand layer has been leveled it can be fumigated with herbicides to avoid the possible appearance of grasses or weeds after the placement of the cobblestone.
To guarantee an excellent placement of the paving, the use of leveling threads is recommended.
The sitting sand must be in optimal handling conditions, without lumps and with a maximum humidity of 5%, spread in a layer between 4 and 5 cm so after compaction the thickness is neither < 3 cm nor > 4 cm.
The joint between the pavers must remain filled with dry sand.
Note: You shouldn't work in the rain, if it is possible to cover the work area or wait for the weather conditions to allow better performance of the activity.
It must be verified the surface is completely dry, and there is no any type of filtration; it is advisable to use a product that serves as a barrier against rising damp, which helps to keep the paver free of damp, and an organic stabilizer of sealing sand that agglomerates it, preventing its loss and saturation by damp.
The space of the joints between each paver should not be < 2 mm or > 4 mm.
The pavers must be placed carefully so it doesn't affect the pavers or the work area.
Use the joint sealing sand, spreading it over the entire paving cloth and sweeping with a broom or brush until all the joints are filled.
The joint filling action must be repeated several times during the first days after the paver is placed.
Cleaning the paved cloth by sweeping is recommended, taking care not to drag the sand from the joints.
The use of hydro washers or pressure jets can cause loss of the sealing sand between the pieces, their use must be restricted and, if required, the seal must be replaced immediately.
Never use muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid), sandpaper, metal brushes (grates), etc.
It is no recommended to remove the dirt with powder detergents or liquid detergents that contain sodium hypochlorite and neither with acids such as nitric, oxalic or muriatic as they can damage the surface of the paving stone and lose its properties, the use of waxes is not advisable, lacquers or materials that seal the surface of the piece.
Once the product is installed, efflorescence may appear, it is usually eliminated by itself over time, others are cleaned with nitric acid in a concentration not greater than 15%. If yellow or green stains later appear, Vanadox should be applied punctually on the surfaces. same whose dosage will be recommended in the product's technical data sheet.
It is recommended to use water-repellent products to permeabilize the cloth.
It is important to leave pavers confined along their entire perimeter to prevent displacement and damage to the paver or wearing course.
Adapt the storage area intended for unloading the paver in such a way the floor is as horizontal as possible and free of excess moisture.
Arrange the pavers on pallets, plastic or other blocks that isolate it from the floor to avoid wetting due to capillarity and absorption of soluble salts.
The stacking of the pavers must not exceed 2m in height to avoid chipping or falling of the material.
Cover the cobblestones with plastic to prevent wetting from rainwater and avoid efflorescence problems.
It must be avoided if the materials are supported on ashes, rubble, cement, mortar or any material that transmits soluble salts including organic matter.
Transport the pavers preferably in flat and not concave wheelbarrows, this in order to avoid chipping or breaking the pavers.